Independence day. We Indians rejoice on that day. The joy transcends the differences and barriers of caste, religion and language. Well, this period is also a big business for tri-color paper-flag sellers. There is also plastic flags available. We Indians buy atleast one flag as we think showcasing a tri-color in our home, on bicycles or in other vehicles speak of our love for our nation. And mind you, they do tell about our love towards our nation.
But am not concerned if you buy a flag or not. Rather am concerned about what you do with this flag after the Independence day. Where would you keep it? In a safe place? Somewhere sacred? Or would you just throw away that flag?
Throw away that flag? Huh?!! You must be thinking what I am talking about. Who would dare to throw away our national flag when there is provision in our penal code to punish those who humiliate our national flag? Well, I would like to share a picture with you.
Yes, this is a picture of one of those flags which someone left on the streets after the celebrations. They, who left the flags on the street, are also patriots but lack the spirit. They think they love our nation, but they fail to feel the spirit of our nation. Pity on them.
I took the flag home. I washed it, kept it in a safe place. I expect you too to do the same when you see a flag on the sidewalk or where ever our tri-color flag doesn't deserve to be at.
Nobody is asking you to buy a flag. Please don't buy a flag if you are not sure you can take good care of it.
Visit this link to know what you can do if you notice anyone humiliating our national flag Click here
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