Jun 16, 2009

Habit wearing the clock of guilt?... Time to 'prioritize'!

What is it that makes you happy?

Yes, I AM asking that question. The question that many people ask themselves. Many a number of teachers, psychiatrists, career advisers, bosses, your parents and friends, even the waiter in a cafeteria could have asked you that question. Not once or twice, but many times. But, the point is have you ever found a satisfactory answer? Satisfactory, in the sense, to you?

Normally, what we describe in response when such a question is asked would be about those things, the things which you think are entertaining you. Those things or activities which you found keep you interested may be for a day, or some days. Or in some particular cases that craze may go on for a month or some months, or even years.

These senses of ‘interested in’ activities wear off in time. And normally we tend to move on. [Yes, we move on. From place to place, from people to people, and some are very sad as they can’t apply this technique with their parents! :D ].

Sometimes it is very sad to bid farewell to some ‘thing’ that we have lately been doing, isn’t it? We hope it’s for the best and sometimes it works out well!

Here, let me share something with you people. It is a very holy, enlightening thought.

Here it comes: “If you feel like abandoning something, let it be a habit, a person, or even your life, just let it go. Abandon it. Because if you don’t let it go when you are feeling like ditching it there is a 50% chance for you to get those bumpy rides of thoughts in future which can freak you out and make your life miserable. The other 50%? Leave it. Because we can always have the pleasure of re-thinking if it doesn’t work out the other way!”

[Thoughts explained are the intellectual property belonging to me only. No copycats will be tolerated.

Just kidding. :)]

Also the stuff we do for our entertainment have their feet rooted in the experiences that we come across at that period of time. The period can be anything from a day to years. When such an ‘attention grabber’ comes we let loose the ends which could really make us happy.

For instance, I had the habit of smoking. I used to smoke five to ten cigarettes a day. Then one day I found the love of my life and she doesn’t like me smoking cigarettes. I was told to quit smoking. Actually it was me who first proposed it and I was happy with it. Well, for some days.

Then came the urge. I can’t stand watching my friends or anyone smoking. If I happen to see someone smoking it would make me upset. But I felt happy because I am doing something which my love cares about.

Shortly after sometime the promise was forgotten. I took that liberty and started smoking. This time the numbers doubled. But not for long!

Sometime, after the promise was broken, when I was smoking I felt guilty. I couldn’t savor a whole cigarette! And after some days the guilt became so unbearable that I again quit smoking, but not completely. I smoke when I feel very much in favor of smoking. But the numbers have dwindled down to almost one in several days. The urge to smoke has taken a sharp drop in the graph and it took the guilt along with it!

We should be able to sacrifice something for a greater cause to become accessible. I am not saying my girl will leave me if I don’t quit smoking, but the idea is that it cause her great pain and I don’t want that.

I hope that someday soon I will be able to completely quit smoking. And it is HOPE that drives us! Amen.

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